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If you like something click on the to add one to the Like It column. Otherwise click the show your dislike. A "Like It" is worth a +1 and a "Hate It" is a -1, the reviews are sorted by the sum.

If the item that you would not to review is not already listed just add an entry at the bottom of the page and then add your review.


  TV Show


Approved by RTS   Like It Hate It  
CSI 3149 2925  comment
Heroes 3032 2880  comment


User Entries  Like It Hate It  
7th Heaven 2920 2980  comment
Simpsons 2953 2828  comment
2188 2284  comment
2072 2058  comment
2062 2216  comment
2144 1992  comment
2408 2101  comment
2196 1906  comment
2083 1977  comment
1965 1857  comment
1996 1982  comment
2030 1856  comment
1961 1993  comment
1946 1885  comment
2063 1845  comment
2010 1865  comment
1828 1944  comment
1925 1953  comment
1907 2028  comment
1910 1796  comment
1590 1563  comment
1559 1563  comment
1541 1536  comment
1501 1459  comment
1459 1534  comment
1458 1479  comment
1468 1493  comment
1465 1507  comment
1507 1502  comment
1510 1469  comment
1470 1499  comment
1402 1441  comment
1427 1397  comment
1377 1407  comment
1408 1400  comment
1404 1390  comment
1304 1313  comment
1266 1309  comment
1257 1267  comment
1232 1282  comment
1251 1262  comment
1224 1213  comment
1222 1228  comment
1220 1235  comment
1108 1085  comment
1102 1089  comment
1106 1108  comment
1116 1109  comment
1020 1048  comment
1017 1029  comment
845 869  comment
831 834  comment
842 838  comment
845 838  comment
829 838  comment
789 782  comment
692 698  comment
695 683  comment
686 693  comment
546 545  comment
453 456  comment
450 459  comment

Add an entry:      
Heroes -- Cory said: I love how they have all the episodes on line,, makes it easy to keep up.     @ 2007-01-23 06:59:26
7th Heaven -- Cory said: The one show that I won't watch with my wife.     @ 2007-01-23 07:00:00