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Approved by RTS   Like It Hate It  
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User Entries  Like It Hate It  
178 192  comment
137 123  comment
175 102  comment
151 98  comment
168 87  comment
134 73  comment
167 85  comment
148 149  comment
150 148  comment
137 154  comment
138 154  comment
113 145  comment
142 148  comment
150 151  comment
149 156  comment
142 144  comment
137 117  comment
122 86  comment
170 96  comment
136 92  comment
134 99  comment
143 126  comment
155 90  comment
183 97  comment
163 131  comment
156 88  comment
190 96  comment
147 119  comment
182 90  comment
149 78  comment
146 84  comment
135 70  comment
145 77  comment
176 74  comment
135 73  comment
136 49  comment
132 60  comment
134 51  comment
138 53  comment
120 33  comment
114 47  comment
127 61  comment
120 46  comment
117 53  comment
85 25  comment
89 26  comment
83 26  comment
86 27  comment
83 27  comment
80 27  comment
86 24  comment
87 25  comment
83 27  comment
82 25  comment
80 77  comment
85 27  comment
83 28  comment
82 26  comment
78 21  comment

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