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If you like something click on the to add one to the Like It column. Otherwise click the show your dislike. A "Like It" is worth a +1 and a "Hate It" is a -1, the reviews are sorted by the sum.

If the item that you would not to review is not already listed just add an entry at the bottom of the page and then add your review.


  TV Show


Approved by RTS   Like It Hate It  
CSI 3150 2926  comment
Heroes 3033 2881  comment


User Entries  Like It Hate It  
7th Heaven 2921 2981  comment
Simpsons 2954 2829  comment
2189 2285  comment
2073 2059  comment
2063 2217  comment
2145 1993  comment
2409 2102  comment
2197 1908  comment
2084 1977  comment
1966 1858  comment
1997 1983  comment
2031 1857  comment
1962 1994  comment
1947 1886  comment
2064 1846  comment
2011 1866  comment
1829 1945  comment
1926 1954  comment
1908 2029  comment
1911 1797  comment
1591 1564  comment
1560 1564  comment
1542 1537  comment
1502 1460  comment
1460 1535  comment
1459 1480  comment
1469 1494  comment
1466 1508  comment
1508 1503  comment
1511 1470  comment
1471 1500  comment
1403 1442  comment
1428 1398  comment
1378 1408  comment
1409 1401  comment
1405 1391  comment
1305 1314  comment
1267 1310  comment
1258 1268  comment
1233 1283  comment
1252 1263  comment
1224 1214  comment
1224 1229  comment
1221 1236  comment
1109 1086  comment
1103 1090  comment
1107 1109  comment
1117 1110  comment
1021 1049  comment
1018 1030  comment
846 870  comment
832 835  comment
843 839  comment
846 839  comment
830 839  comment
790 783  comment
693 699  comment
696 684  comment
687 694  comment
547 546  comment
454 457  comment
451 460  comment

Add an entry:      
Heroes -- Cory said: I love how they have all the episodes on line,, makes it easy to keep up.     @ 2007-01-23 06:59:26
7th Heaven -- Cory said: The one show that I won't watch with my wife.     @ 2007-01-23 07:00:00