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Approved by RTS   Like It Hate It  
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User Entries  Like It Hate It  
185 198  comment
147 131  comment
181 109  comment
159 106  comment
176 96  comment
142 80  comment
174 92  comment
155 157  comment
159 156  comment
145 161  comment
146 163  comment
120 153  comment
147 154  comment
159 159  comment
157 166  comment
148 152  comment
144 125  comment
131 94  comment
176 105  comment
144 100  comment
139 106  comment
150 133  comment
163 98  comment
190 105  comment
173 139  comment
164 94  comment
198 102  comment
155 127  comment
220 95  comment
154 85  comment
153 90  comment
143 77  comment
151 85  comment
184 82  comment
140 80  comment
143 55  comment
139 68  comment
142 57  comment
147 61  comment
127 39  comment
122 54  comment
134 67  comment
128 52  comment
126 61  comment
90 30  comment
95 33  comment
90 34  comment
93 33  comment
89 34  comment
87 34  comment
92 32  comment
93 32  comment
90 34  comment
87 32  comment
87 85  comment
91 34  comment
90 36  comment
88 32  comment
85 27  comment

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