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Approved by RTS   Like It Hate It  
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User Entries  Like It Hate It  
183 195  comment
143 129  comment
180 108  comment
156 103  comment
171 94  comment
139 78  comment
171 91  comment
152 156  comment
157 153  comment
141 158  comment
143 159  comment
119 149  comment
147 151  comment
157 157  comment
155 162  comment
147 150  comment
142 123  comment
128 90  comment
175 102  comment
142 99  comment
137 104  comment
149 131  comment
161 96  comment
189 103  comment
168 136  comment
162 93  comment
196 102  comment
153 126  comment
218 95  comment
153 83  comment
152 88  comment
140 75  comment
149 83  comment
180 80  comment
140 78  comment
140 53  comment
137 64  comment
140 56  comment
144 56  comment
126 37  comment
118 51  comment
132 66  comment
125 50  comment
123 58  comment
90 29  comment
94 30  comment
87 30  comment
91 32  comment
87 31  comment
86 32  comment
90 27  comment
92 30  comment
88 32  comment
87 30  comment
84 82  comment
88 32  comment
87 33  comment
87 30  comment
81 26  comment

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