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User Entries  Like It Hate It  
Classical 1890 1431  comment
555 537  comment
956 567  comment
558 462  comment
405 320  comment
1527 752  comment
284 204  comment
222 148  comment
1329 138  comment
226 239  comment
300 591  comment
260 249  comment
1033 1194  comment
240 828  comment
332 287  comment
225 216  comment
220 235  comment
218 261  comment
246 228  comment
225 217  comment
232 223  comment
214 327  comment
217 255  comment
255 262  comment
217 242  comment
229 228  comment
216 1206  comment
230 162  comment
242 190  comment
344 181  comment
277 232  comment
1418 769  comment
212 171  comment
237 162  comment
1466 943  comment
256 255  comment
244 1994  comment
232 166  comment
627 733  comment
220 206  comment
224 183  comment
900 1003  comment
259 184  comment
224 163  comment
1874 174  comment
1125 156  comment
1558 571  comment
209 98  comment
212 102  comment
209 106  comment
210 107  comment
217 101  comment
207 116  comment
208 99  comment

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